Ref: ENDO-UE100
The use of an endoscope during equine dental exams, cleaning, floating, or extracting teeth and other procedures improves visualization and accuracy.
They are used more and more in equine dentistry since they have many advantages for the practitioner as for the client.
The use of an endoscope during equine dental exams, cleaning, floating, or extracting teeth and other procedures improves visualization and accuracy.
They are used more and more in equine dentistry since they have many advantages for the practitioner as for the client.
The caméra and the dual LED light are integrated into the optics.
The camera is equipped with 4 buttons for taking photos, vidéos, adjusting the light and reverse the picture.
Software (mac and PC) is provided for the use and recording of files in a client folder allowing a detailed report to be made.
Basic computer configuration :